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BREXIT voters in the day after. Delusion, arrogance and audacity continues

I was listening at LBC Radio a #leave voter talking about what is going to happen from now on. I must confess, i am totally outraged not only by what he was saying but also by the way he was saying. I didn't heard in long time such a bunch of nonsense expressed with such arrogance. 

What the guy was saying in fact? 
Well  he was literally blaming EU leaders for the outcome of the British vote and he was telling them what they MUST do next. 

What the #leave voter was demanding the rest of us to do?
First of all he was demanding not to push for article 50 as soon as possible but to follow humbly the directives coming from London and wait until October on the grounds that EU must wait for UK to find a way to remain within European Union so that with this renew authority UK to be able to impose (yes, he did used this word!!!) its conditions to the rest of EU. He was blaming EU leaders for having the "audacity" to declare that a "vote out means indeed out" with all consequences. 

In fact the guy was, in a more arrogant way, repeating what some  #brexit leaders were already said before. That Juncker should keep his mouth shut and obey British legislation and wait for the British Parliament to reject the in/out referendum and then to be prepared to offer to Britain even a better deal than they already have now

Wait a minute, let's reflect a little about what these guys are really saying. So, basically, they say that UK "deserve" a better deal from EU than the one that they already have. Hmmm, something is not quite right here. UK had ever since the beginning a special treatment within EU, more advantages than any other member state. Than they started to "become" unhappy with this "best deal" and, under the threat of leaving, they managed to negotiate even a better one that was finalised in February this year and now, AFTER they voted OUT they want to cut a new even better deal then the one in February and they blame EU leaders for not accepting that. 

So let see if I get this right. They basically say that the entire referendum was nothing more than a scaremongering  staged in order to force European Union to dance as brexiters sing!!! 

This means that the entire referendum was just a scam!!! It was never about democracy and people's right to choose it was all about gaining some more power for the very few, more exactly for two - Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson. And for that alone they put an entire country, an entire Europe and, looking at the market's fluctuations yesterday an entire world on fire trowing everyone into an ocean of incertitude and anguish. They didn't actually meant to leave EU just to scare'it to the bone.

Seriously, this is beyond believe, beyond arrogance, beyond even rudeness. 
Do these people have such disrespect for the rest of EU member states and the other EU citizens so that to believe that is our "sacred" duty to follow whatever they dare to ask from us? Do these people really believe that the rest of us are truly idiots to accept religiously whatever they may want in spite the risks  they represent for us? Do they truly believe that the rest of Europe have nothing better to do than ruin the economies of 27 countries in order to satisfy their whims? 

Yes, they do believe that the rest of European citizens are nothing more then slaves on some sort of "cotton plantations" owned by British "masters" and that the rest of EU member states are nothing else then British colonies allowed on Earth by God just to serve at the pleasure of the "All Mighty Briton".

Listening to comments that are going on and on at LBC, I do believe we should inform, at least certain British leaders and voters that, here in Eastern part of the European Union people didn't literally died to escape the Russian oppression and control because they were eager and desperate to  switch the Eastern Master with a Western one. People die to be totally free and to have an equal vote and equal rights as the rest of the European countries. 

Seriously, somebody should inform these guys that we, on the continental Europe, are NOT second class citizens!!!! 


  1. Fuck'em.
    I can't wait for art 50.
    The EU will crudh these worms. Then the dismemberment begins as Scotland will ditch those racist curs.

    Good times!


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