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British Referendum consequences - Important hotel chain ask EU Nationals to leave their jobs

And.. this is how it begins...

If you wander if the outcome of the BREXIT Referendum will have an immediate impact on EU nationals living and working in United Kingdom, the answer is YES!!!

Employers are already asking  EU-nationals to leave their jobs unless they can prove they can remain in UK on different grounds than EU-citizenship. 

True facts: Within hours after the results of IN/OUT Referendum, two employees of one of a branded hotels in London - EU nationals -   were asked by the management to leave their jobs on the grounds that the company cannot afford to keep employees with "uncertain" working rights. 

They were told to  to provide evidence of theirs working and living rights in Britain other than the rights as EU citizens or they must go. 

One of them can start the application for residence in UK while he is there for more than 10 years, but the other one cannot do the same because he is in the country, for only 2 years, therefore he don't have the right to apply for resident permit. 

When I heard this, my initial impulse was to let everyone knows immediately. At second glance, I started to hesitate, "After all, is about just two guys", i said in my mind, "it qualifies as a minor incident". I was also thinking what to say about that, I am in some sort of shock, never thought that these things can actually happen in such short time, literally within hours from the "big shock".  Then at "third glance" I said to myself; "This is, obvious, and abuse and even one single person is abused and I KNOW about it, I have the duty to speak up, to let everyone know about that"
Personally I don't know what to say or think about this "minor" incident, I have no idea what will happen tomorrow with EU nationals working and living and paying taxes allover UK, how many of them will be asked to leave, how many will be abused in a way or another, I guess, at this point, nobody knows, but what I know now is that it already started.

Me, I am speechless now, therefore I am waiting for your opinions. What do you think about that?

N.B. I was asked to modify this article and hide my source of information and the nationalities of the persons involved because the story was revealed to me in confidence and EU nationals are afraid already about what may happen while they still live and work LEGALLY in UK 


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