I usually don't complain about how brexiters treat us, Romanians in particular, I know how much they hate us.
I always thought that, this hate, it is the result of the avalanche of negative publicity that was allover British media in the last years. All those gigantic lies propagated allover based on Francis Bacon principle: „Audacter calumniare, semper aliquid haeret” (slander boldly, something always sticks), from his book „De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum” (Of dignity and advancement in science), made Romanians one of the most hated nation in UK.
There is no doubt that brexiters came after us hard and rude before and during the campaign. Romanians thought that the best thing to do is to use their sense of humor to stand against this vilification.
It seems that our approach didn't really work out. They still hate us. They seems to hate us even more after they were successful in the #brexit referendum.
Now they come after us cursing Romania. I don't intend to comment on their attitude, but I believe it is appropriate to present'it for all to see, therefore, have a look at the commentaries I've received on my Facebook page from a brexiter, at a totally unrelated thread:
I always thought that, this hate, it is the result of the avalanche of negative publicity that was allover British media in the last years. All those gigantic lies propagated allover based on Francis Bacon principle: „Audacter calumniare, semper aliquid haeret” (slander boldly, something always sticks), from his book „De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum” (Of dignity and advancement in science), made Romanians one of the most hated nation in UK.
There is no doubt that brexiters came after us hard and rude before and during the campaign. Romanians thought that the best thing to do is to use their sense of humor to stand against this vilification.
It seems that our approach didn't really work out. They still hate us. They seems to hate us even more after they were successful in the #brexit referendum.
Now they come after us cursing Romania. I don't intend to comment on their attitude, but I believe it is appropriate to present'it for all to see, therefore, have a look at the commentaries I've received on my Facebook page from a brexiter, at a totally unrelated thread:
Eck Muttox "Hope the Romanian military are up to scratch talking the Russians as hope you'll be on your own this time, hope UK won't get involved outside of NATO, enjoy the vodka! Sorry but off topic there I know"
Dana Voicu: "for more info Eck Muttox.. Romania is THE rasing star at this NATO summit.. all proposals submitted by romania were approved.... while all the states in the north get a battalion each.. Romania get a brigade.. AND the leadeship of the brigade.. also nothe that Romania is the NATO leader for cyber defences"
Eck Muttox: "So what? Will that stop the Russians? And you have to rely on UK and other foreign countries to protect you? The U.S. Are wary of Russia immensity as they only have 30,000 troops in Germany, oh will the Romanians change sides again like you did in WW2? Fight for Nazis then when it got tough and realised it was lost changed to Allies lol"
Dana Voicu: "Eck Muttox, hahahahahaha what a joke you are..
Eck Muttox: "No I'm afraid you're leeching of other countries troops is a joke!" 😀
Dana Voicu: "maybe you need to read more about NATO and what its stand for BEFORE throwing curses and accusations here.."
Eck Muttox: "I'm sure the Russians are shitting themselves! As I say most likely your soldiers have 2 uniforms in their lockers, NATO and Russian, in case things change then so can they!"
Eck Muttox: "I wouldn't worry you'll change sides again like last time won't you? Comrade lol"
I wonder what other Britons think about that
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